We’ve been super busy here at Girls that Scuba HQ lately – lots of travelling, and lots of diving. Last week were were in Florida and the Maldives and this week we are in Mexico, but want to know the best thing about all this travelling? MEETING YOU ALL! We’ve only just started doing our GTS meet ups in different locations around the globe and each one keeps getting bigger and better! But, Los Cabos with Dive Ninja Expedition has to be the best one yet!
Los Cabo, Baja Mexico

Los Cabo is located at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, in the state of Baja California Sur. Here, at the right time of the year is some of the oceans most prized moments. We are talking, humpbacks breeching, orcas feedings, mobulas schooling and sharks cruising. This is the place you’ll want to pack your bags to and stay for the whole year to dive every season. So it’s no wonder Girls that Scuba had Los Cabo on their bucket list and jumped at the chance to host an event here. Dive Ninja Expeditions are the best in the business in Los Cabo and we were honoured to host alongside them in what turned out to be our best event yet!
All girls scuba dive!

Our day kicked off with some morning yoga with Sea Peace Yoga and then onto an all female scuba dive in Pelican Rock with 34 GTS girls! Check out some our the amazing pictures from a really great dive!

Back at Nautilus Dive Tech we tucked into lunch and welcomed 3 of our amazing 6 speakers of the event. Gabby Lopez of Zero Waste Los Cabo, talking about how to minimise plastic. Dora Sandoval owner of Mexico Liveaboards who introduced to us her new project showing kids the Sea of Cortez, and Katia Silver, marine mammal scientist from Cabo Trek who spoke about the beautiful humpback whales that call Los Cabo home from October onwards.
Girl-boss speakers

A small break in between presentations saw us trying out sidemount in the pool, playing educational games, eating, chatting and getting to know each other.
Sidemount and games

Scuba women business owners
After the fun – which really got all the girls, many of them who didn’t know each other before – in high spirits, it was time for the final 3 speakers. Dr Frida Lara, shark scientist at Pelagios Kakunja who spoke about the different variety of sharks and the importance of them to our eco-system. Regi Domingo owner and founder of Nawake project a project to spread the word about localized environmental problems, act over those damaged places and educate people about how to take care of the earth. Then finally it was our very own Sarah Richard founder of Girls that Scuba who told the GTS story of how it began and how she was inspired to start it.

A raffle was held to win some awesome prizes from sponsors where 100% went to some local ocean charities. Then the BBQ and tequila came out and the rest is female history! We were so incredible inspired throughout the day meeting some amazing females in the industry and were honoured to be around so many women who truly are making a difference. Together we are stronger and as Girls that Scuba inspires more and more women to start scuba diving, we – form the bottom of our hearts – think we can change the ocean one woman at a time! Thank you to everyone one that was a part of this incredible day especially to Dive Ninjas founder Jay Clue for taking on the task of organising it all from start to finish – without ever losing the smile on his face! Photographers David Valencia, Pepe Jara, and Frida Lara. Nautilus Dive Tech for giving up their amazing dive centre, all the sponsors; Pelagic Safaris, Cabo Trek, Mexico Liveabords. The raffle sponsors, many already mentioned plus Cabo Shark Dive. Our bad-ass speakers, our BBQ hero, the staff at Nautilus, AND each and every girl that turned up and inspired others to become scuba divers.